About Journal

Progress in Engineering Thermodynamics and Kinetics (PETK) is an international journal (print and online) published bi-annually by Semnan University Press that was founded in 2020. It publishes the latest and most creative research results in the fields of Thermodynamics and Kinetics including Atmospheric thermodynamics, Biological thermodynamics, Chemical thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of complex systems, Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Thermodynamics in process intensification, Thermodynamics of non-additive systems, Reaction's mechanism, Gas phase kinetics, Solution kinetics, Polymer reaction kinetics, Biochemical and surface kinetics, etc.

PETK is the vehicle to exchange the ideas and rational discourse between research workers and engineers all over the world. The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, technical reports, review papers, short communications, and notes to the editor. Thus high-quality original research and review papers dealing with any aspect of thermodynamics and kinetics can be published. Both analytical and experimental studies can be considered for publication. The language of the papers published in the Journal is English. Accepted papers are immediately appeared online and printed in hard copy.